Maurice Tiberius, 582-602 A.D.
Maurice Tiberius, 582-602 A.D.

AV Solidus, 4.47g. 19mm. Carthage mint.   Dated (in both obverse and reverse legends,  year 14= 595/596 A.D.)  DN MAVRIC T PP AN I(delta).  Facing bust of Maurice wearing cuirass and crown with cross; he holds globus cruciger.  Rev.  VICTORIA AVGG I(delta); CONOB in exergue.    Victory standing and facing holding globus cruciger and abbreviated chrisma on long staff.  DOC 228. MIB 25b. Sear 549.

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Extremely Fine $3,250.
Leo V with Constantine, 813-820 A.D.
Leo V with Constantine, 813-820 A.D.

AV Solidus, 4.43g. 20mm. Constantinople mint. LEON BASIL EYS.    Leo facing wearing crown with cross and chlamys; he holds cross potent in his right hand and akakia in his left hand.  Rev. CONSTANT "delta" ESP'X.  Constantine facing wearing crown with cross and chlamys; he holds globus cruciger in his right hand and akakia in his left hand.  DOC 2b. Sear 1627; a few small areas of  reddish encrustation.  Superb portraits, lustrous, and virtually as struck.

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Extremely Fine $6,250.


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