Anonymous, Quadrigatus, Ex: EJW, c.1980
Anonymous, Quadrigatus, Ex: EJW, c.1980

AR Quadrigatus or Didrachm, 6.70g. 20mm. c.225-214 B.C. Laureate head of Janus. Rv. ROMA on tablet in relief in exergue. Jupiter holding scepter and thunderbolt being driven to right by Victory in quadriga. CR 28/3. Fine style on a large flan and with old collection toning


Ex: EJW, Ltd. inventory # 5528, c.1980.

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Extremely Fine/about Extremely Fine $2,500.
Anonymous, Victoriatus,  Ex: Leu, 1977, E. Nicolas
Anonymous, Victoriatus, Ex: Leu, 1977, E. Nicolas

AR Victoriatus, 3.26g. 15mm. Luceria mint, c.211-208 B.C. Laureate head of Jupiter to right. Rev. ROMA in exergue.  Victory decorating trophy with wreath to right; L below. CR 97/1a.  Fine old collection toning.

Ex: E. Nicolas collection, Bank Leu, Zurich, Auction 17, May 3, 1977, lot 51.
Ex: Bank Leu, Zurich, Auction 48, May 10, 1989, lot 279.
Ex: Kricheldorf, Stuttgart, Auction 47, July 29, 2002, lot 174.

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Extremely Fine/good Very Fine $1,200.
Cn. Lucretius Trio, 136 B.C.
Cn. Lucretius Trio, 136 B.C.

AR Denarius, 4.00g, 19mm.  TRIO.  Helmeted head of Roma to right wearing beaded necklace; X in front.  Rev.  CN LVCR; ROMA in exergue.  The Dioscuri riding to right.  CR 237/1a. Syd. 450. RBW 978.   Fully lustrous with superb surfaces.

Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 54. 2010, lot 173.

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Mint State $1,950.
Q Fabius Maximus, 127 B.C.
Q Fabius Maximus, 127 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.84g. 18mm. ROMA Q MAX.  Helmeted head of Roma to right.  Rev. Conucopiae; thunderbolt behind; wreat around.  CR 265/1. Syd. 478.  Toned.

Ex: Mark Salton collection, 1914-2005 (For bio see

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good Very Fine $450.
L. Marcius Philippus, 113-112 B.C.
57279 New Add to Cart
L. Marcius Philippus, 113-112 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.79g, 18mm.  Head of the Macedonian King Philip V to right wearing diadem and helmet with goat's horns; monogram above, "phi" below.  Rev. L PHILIPPVS on raised plague. Horseman to right holding large laurel branch; flower below. CR 293/1. Syd. 551.  Scarce; attractive collection toning with areas of deep blue and amber. 

Ex: Tom Cederlind, Portland, OR, List 90, 1990, no. 122

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good Very Fine/Very Fine $550.
L. Aurelius Cotta, 105 B.C.
L. Aurelius Cotta, 105 B.C.

AR Serrate denarius, 3.94g. 20mm.   Draped bust of Vulcan to right wearing laureate cap; tongs over shoulder; star behind; all within wreath.  Rev. L COT. Eagle standing to right on thunderbolt; wreath around; I in field to right.   CR 314/1c. Syd. 577a.  RBW_.  Luster under light toning. 

Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 4, 1991, lot 204
Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 9, 1996, lot 629
Ex: Aureo and Calico, Barcelona, Auction 319, Alba Longa collection, lot 151


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about Extremely Fine/Very Fine $1,700. Sold
Social War, Marsic Confederation, ex: Sambon, 1927
Social War, Marsic Confederation, ex: Sambon, 1927

AR  Denarius, 3.79g. 21mm.  c.89 B.C. ITALIA.  Laureate head of Italia to right, X in field to right.  Rev. Italia seated to the left on a pile of shields being crowned by Victory with a wreath; uncertain letter in exergue.  Campana 105(this coin listed).  Syd. 623.  RBW_.    Exceptional quality and probably the finest known example; luster under wonderful multi-hued toning.

Ex: Sambon, Paris, Auction June 27-30, 1927, lot 13.
Ex: Hess-Divo, Zurich, Auction 320, 2011, lot 300.

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Mint State $35,000.
Social War, Marsic Confederation, c.90 B.C.
Social War, Marsic Confederation, c.90 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.88g.  20mm.  Mint moving with C. Paapius in Campania.  Helmeted head of Mars to left; retrograde Oscan inscription below," mutil embratur= Mutilus Imperator."  Rev.  Oath taking scene with two soldiers flanking a kneeling youth holding a sacrificial pig; retrograde Oscan legend, c paapi" in retrograde; minute flan defect at 1:00 reverse.   Campana 94. Sydenham 640a. RBW 1226. Historia Nummorum, Italy 428.  Toned.     Scarce and with a remarkably complete inscription for the name of C. Paapius C.F, Mutilus Imperator, one of the leading generals in the Italic war against Rome.   

Ex: Triton III, NY, 1999, lot 897
Ex: Helios, Munich, Auction 4, 2009, lot 88, Lynn collection.

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about Extremely Fine $17,500.
A. Postumius Albinus, c.81 B.C.
A. Postumius Albinus, c.81 B.C.

AR Serrate Denarius, 3.58g. 19mm. HISPAN. Veiled head of Hispania to right. Rev.A POST A F S N A BIN. Togate figure standing to left and raising hand between legionary eagle and fasces. CR 372/2. Syd. 746.  Lovely iridescent toning and an exceptional strike.  

According to Crawford, the obverse may reference the moneyer's ancestor L Postumius Albinus who was praetor in 180 B.C. and had a successful military campaigns in Spain against the Vaccaei and Lusitani tribes.  The reverse with the togate figure may allude to military(eagle standard) and civilian(fasces) imperium. 

Ex: Hess, Lucerne, Auction 249, November 13, 1979, lot 276. 

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Extremely Fine $5,500.
M. Volteius, 78 B.C.
M. Volteius, 78 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.63g. 17mm. 78 B.C. Laureate head of Jupiter to right.  Rev. M VOLTEI M F. Capitoline temple.  CR 385/1.  Toned.

Ex: E J Waddell, Ltd, inventory 39414, 1990s with old ticket

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good Very Fine/about Extremely Fine $450.
L. Cassius Longinus, c.78 B.C.
57263 New Add to Cart
L. Cassius Longinus, c.78 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.95g. 19mm. Head of Liber to right wearing ivy wreath; thrysus over shoulder. Rv. L CASSI Q F. Head of Libera to left wearing vine wreath. CR 386/1. Sydenham 779. Fine old cabinet toning.

Ex: Tom McKenna, Colorado, 1990.

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good Very Fine/about Extremely Fine $750.
C. Calpurnius Frugi, 67 B.C.
C. Calpurnius Frugi, 67 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.97g. 17mm.  Laureate head of Apollo to right; cornucopia behind.  Rev. C PISO L FRVG.  Rider galloping to right holding whip; strigel above.  CR 408/1a. Syd. 865c. RBW_. Hersch, NC, 1976, #70 for symbols.  Magnificent style with a very high relief obverse; iridescent toning.  

Ex: Leu Numismatics, Zurich, Auction 77, 2000, lot 450.
Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 46, 2008, lot 385.

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Mint State $4,500.
Q. Pomponius Musa, c.66 B.C. ex: NAC 1, 1989
Q. Pomponius Musa, c.66 B.C. ex: NAC 1, 1989

AR Denarius, 4.08g. 18mm. Q POMPONI MVSA. Diademed head of Apollo to right. Rev. HERCVLES MVSARVM. Hercules standing to right playing lyre. CR 410/1.  Syd. 810.  Fine style and  with lovely gray-blue toning.

Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 1, 1989, lot 657.

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Extremely Fine $8,500.
L Marcius Philippus, 56 B.C.
L Marcius Philippus, 56 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.93g. 19mm.  ANCVS.  Diademed head of Ancus Marcius to right; lituus behind head.   Rev.  L PHILIPPVS.  Equestrian rider on aquaduct to right; flower below.  AQVA MAR within arches of the aquaduct.    CR 425/1. Syd. 919.  Lovely multi-hued toning.

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about Extremely Fine $850.
P. Fonteius Capito, 54 B.C.
P. Fonteius Capito, 54 B.C.

AR Denarius, 4.03g. 18mm. P FONTEIVS P F CAPITO III VIR CONCORDIA.  Diademed and veiled head of Concordia to right; some light die breaks in fields. Rev. T DIDI IMP VIL PVB.  The Villa Publica with gates attached to the columns. CR 429/2b.  Syd. 901a. Banti, Fonteia 34/1(this coin illustrated).  Lovely old collection toning and exceptionally complete.

The Villa Publica was originally built c.435 B.C. on the Campus Martius to be used for taking the census. The Villa was enlarged in 194 B.C. and was used for the levies of the army, inspection of arms, and still for the census.  Generals returning to Rome were also housed in the Villa while they awaited a decision of the Senate if a triumph was to be declared.  (See: L. Richardson Jr, A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, pp. 430-431.

The moneyer is probably a relative of the T.Didius, consul in 98 B.C., who restored the Villa Publica.  The moneyer may also have been a friend of Cicero as mentioned in Crawford.

Ex: Münzen und Medaillen, Basel, Auction 52, June 19, 1975, lot 394.
Ex: Bankhaus Aufhaüser, Munich, Auction 12, 1996, lot 359. 

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Extremely Fine $6,500.
C. Coelius Caldus, 51 B.C., ex: Knobloch
C. Coelius Caldus, 51 B.C., ex: Knobloch

AR Denarius, 3.94g. 17.5mm C COEL CALDVS COS. Head of C. Coelius Caldus to right; standard inscribed HIS behind; boar below.  Rev. C CALDVS IMP AN X in columns; L CALDVS VII VIR EP V on table. Table with figure behind preparing epulum(sacred banquet); trophies of arms and armor to left and right. CR 437/2a. Syd. 894.  

The type commemorates the military victories of the moneyer's ancestor who was Consul in 94 B.C. and is a superb late Republican realistic portrait.

Ex: Mark Salton (born Max Schlessinger)  collection, Frankfurt and NY, 1914-2005, with collector's old ticket and envelope. (For bio see
Ex: Frederick Knobloch collection, Stacks, New York, May 3, 1978, lot 502 with Stacks envelope. 


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about Extremely Fine $5,000.
Mn. Acilius Glabrio, c.49 B.C.
57272 New Add to Cart
Mn. Acilius Glabrio, c.49 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.97g. 18mm. SALVTIS. Laureate head of Salus to right. Rev. MAN ACILIVS III VIR VALETV. Valetudo standing to left resting left arm on column and holding snake in right hand. CR 442/1a. Syd. 922. RBW 1556. Sear, Imperator 16. Wonderful old collection dark toning with underlying luster with some light deposits. 

The types may relate to the claim of the Acilia family of having introduced the first physician to Rome.  Mommsen, as referenced in Sear "Imperators" above, mentions that the Greek physician Archagathus came to Rome in 219 B.C. and established his practice at a locale near the Acilia family home.

Ex:  Tom Cederlind, Portland, OR, c.1990.


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Extremely Fine $1,250.
C. Vibius Pansa, c.48 B.C.
52169 New Add to Cart
C. Vibius Pansa, c.48 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.89g. 18mm. PANSA. Mask of Pan. Rv. C VIBIVS C F C N IOVIS AXVR. Laureate Jupiter seated to left holding scepter and patera. CR 449/1a. Syd. 947.  Sear, Imperators 20.  Fine style and toning.

Ex: Credit de la Bouirse, Paris, Auction, April 19, 1995, no. 1108.

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Extremely Fine $1,500.
Q. Metellus Pius Scipio, 47-46 B.C.
Q. Metellus Pius Scipio, 47-46 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.77g. 17mm. Military mint traveling with Scipio in Africa. Q METELL SCIPIO IMP. Laureate head of Africa to right wearing elephant headdress; plow below; corn in field to right. Rev. EPPIVS LEG F C. Hercules standing and facing resting arm on large club draped with lion's skin. CR 461/1. Sydenham 1051. Sear, Imperators 44. Attractive light toning.


Ex: Tkalec, Zurich, Auction, February 29, 2008, lot 244.

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about Extremely Fine $1,700. Sold
Julius Caesar, 49-48 B.C.
57285 New Add to Cart
Julius Caesar, 49-48 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.67g. 19mm. CAESAR. Spanish military mint. Elephant walking to right; serpent below. Rev. Priestly implements. CR 443/1. Syd. 1006.  minor flan flaw rev.  Old collection toning.

Ex: Zander Klawans collection from Tom Cederlind, Portland, Oregon, March 1990.

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Very Fine/good Very Fine $2,450.
Julius Caesar, d.44 B.C. ex: Salton collection
Julius Caesar, d.44 B.C. ex: Salton collection

AR Denarius, 4.10g. 19mm.  Moneyer, L. Mussidius Longus, Rome, 42 B.C.   Wreathed head of Julius Caesar to right.  Rev.  L MVSSIDIVS LONGVS.  Rudder, cornucopia,  caduceus, and apex around central globe.   CR 494/39a. Syd. 1096a.  Sear, Greek Imperators 116.  Spectacular portrait of Caesar and of superb quality.

The portrait of the now divine Julius Caesar on the obverse was a powerful propaganda image for the forces of Octavian and Antony who were pursuing his assassins.     The reverse type symbolizes Rome's control over the globe(land and sea) with cornucopia and rudder, Caesar's office as Pontifex Maximus with the apex, and the happiness of the Roman people with the caduceus.

Ex: Mark Salton (born Max Schlessinger)  collection, Frankfurt and NY, 1914-2005, with collector's old ticket and envelope. ( For bio see:

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Extremely Fine $22,500.
Julius Caesar, d.44 B.C.
57287 New Add to Cart
Julius Caesar, d.44 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.91g. 20mm.  Rome, 42 B.C. magistrate: Ti. Semponius Gracchus.  Laureate head of Julius Caesar to right.  Rev. TI SEMPRONIVS GRACCVS  Q DESIG S C.  Standard, aquilia, plow, and measring rod.  CR 525/3. Syd 1128.  Lightly toned; ancient banker's marks in obv. fields.  

Ex: Tom McKenna, Colorado, October, 1990.


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Very Fine $2,500.
Brutus Imperator and Pedanius Costa, 42 B.C.
Brutus Imperator and Pedanius Costa, 42 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.88g. 18mm. Marcus Junius Brutus issue with Pedanius Costa, military mint in Asia Minor. COSTA LEG. Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. IMP BRVTVS. Trophy of arms and armor. CR 506/2. Sydenham 1296. Sear, Imperators 209.  Fine old toning and exceptionally well struck. 

Ex: Münzen und Medaillen, Basel, Auction 79, 1994, lot 445.
Ex: Künker, Osnabruuck, Auction 71, 2002, lot 646.

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Extremely Fine $7,500. Sold
Dn. Domitius Calvinus, 39 B.C.
Dn. Domitius Calvinus, 39 B.C.

AR Denarius, 3.44g. 19mm. Osca, Spain. OSCA. Head of Hercules to right. Rv. DOM COS ITER IMP. Simpulum, aspergillum, axe, and apex. CR 532/1. Syd. 1358. Lovely iridescent toning with underlying luster.


Ex: Auctiones, Basel, Auction: 10, June 12, 1979, lot 444.

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about Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine $2,500. Sold
Octavian, 28 B.C. ex: UBS and Munzhandlung Basel
Octavian, 28 B.C. ex: UBS and Munzhandlung Basel

AR Denarius, 4.03g. 20mm. Italian mint, Brundisium or Rome. CAESAR COS VI. Bare head of Octavian to right; lituus behind. Rev. AEGYPTO CAPTA. Crocodile walking to right. RIC 275a. BMCRE 650. Sear, Imperators 430. Lovely old toning and an exceptionally detailed example of this historic coin which commemorates Octavian's victory over Cleopatra and Antony at Actium and the annexation of Egypt.

Ex: UBS, Zurich, Auction 78, September 9, 2008, lot 1230; privately purchased from Münzhandlung Basel in the 1930's.
Ex: Michael Gasvoda collection

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Extremely Fine $25,000.


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