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Thessalonica, Macedon

(1 coin)
Macedon, Thessalonica, Philip I, 244-249 A.D.

AE 25, 10.12g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Philip to right.  Rev. Apollo leaning on snake entwined column to left; he holds bow in left hand; tripod and prize crown to left;  Greek abbreviated inscription,"Pythi" in field referring to the Pythian games.  SNG ANS 888. Remarkable quality.

The Pythian games referenced here on the reverse originated at Delphi in honor of Apollo whose temple and oracle were located there.  Other cities copied these games and referred to them on their coins.

Ex: Gemini VI, NY, Auction, January 9, 2011, lot 816


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Extremely Fine $750.

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