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Add to Cart CelticBritain, Atrebates tribe, Verica, 10-40 A.D.
AV Stater, 5.33g. 17mm. VIRI. Vine leaf. Rev. C O F. Horseman with spear and shield to right. van Arsdell 520. Exceptional quality and among the finest surviving examples. Verica was the son of Commius, as noted on the reverse, and ruled the Atrebates tribe as a client King of Rome. His tribe was conquered by Caratacus and he was deposed c.40 A.D. This gave Claudius an excuse for invading Britain in 43 A.D. on the pretext of restoring Verica. Provenance/Pedigree: Extremely Fine/about Extremely Fine $10,000. |
Add to Cart Constantine I, 307-337 A.D.
AV Solidus, 4.57g. 20mm. Thessalonica, 326 A.D. CONSTAN – TINVS AVG Laureate head r. Rev. VIRTVS CONSTANTINI AVG. SMTS in exergue. The Emperor, in military attire, standing l. and holding trophy and shield; at his feet, two captives.–. RIC –. Depeyrot cf. 12/1 (diademed head, no legend on obverse). Bastien, Donativa p. 78, a. Fully lustrous and struck from fresh dies on both sides.
Ex: Gorny and Mosch, Munich, Auction 207, 2012, lot 701 Mint State $27,500. |
Add to Cart Constantine II, 337-340 A.D. ex: Bastien, RRR
AV Solidus, 4.41g. 22mm. Aquileia, 337 A.D. CONSTANTINVS P F AVG. Laureate, roseatte-diademed, and cuirassed bust of Constantine to right. Rev. GAVDIVM POPVLI ROMANI. Victory seated to right on a cuirass supporting a shield inscribed VOT XX MVLT XXX; Genius standing to left also supporting the shield; SMAQ in exergue. RIC 4. Depeyrot 1/1(this coin illustrated). Bastien, Numismatica 2, 1961, fig. 2(this coin illustrated). Cohen_. Extremely rare and possibly the second known example; unusual bust style and mint. Lustrous and nearly mint state. Provenance/Pedigrees Ex: Pierre Bastien collection, purchased from Jean Vinchon, Paris, in 1960(scan of Bastien's inventory card for this coin available). Extremely Fine $20,000. |
Add to Cart Theodosius II, 402-450 A.D. Thessalonica
AV Solidus, 4.43g. 21mm. Thessalonica mint, c.408-420 A.D. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG. Bust of Theodosius facing slightly to the right; he wears pearl-diademed helmet and cuirass; he holds spear and shield emblazoned with horeseman spearing fallen enemy scene. Rev. CONCORDIA AVGG; TESOB in exergue. Constantinopolis enthrroned and facing; she holds Victory on globe and scepter; her right foot rests on the prow of a ship; eight-pointed star in field to left. RIC X, 358. Hahn 54b. Depeyrot 49/4. Rare variety. This die is unusually well engraved; note the fine detail in the emperor's fingers and shield as well as on the garb of the personification on the reverse. Fully lusrous and struck on an unusually thick and sligtly wavy flan. See more detailed imageMint State $7,500. |
Add to Cart Zeno, 2nd Reign, 476-491 A.D. Thessalonica
AV Solidus, 4.44g. 20mm. Thessalonica mint. D N ZENO PERP AVG. Facing bust of Zeno with head turned slightly to the right wearing crested helmet and cuirass divided into two panels; he holds spear over right shoulder and carries a shield emblazoned with a horseman device on his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG; CONOB in exergue. Victory standing to left holding a long jeweled cross with "X" at cross-bar; stars in fields to left and right. RIC X, 941. MIRB 19. DO, LRC 666. Metcalf 228. Scarce mint and fully lustrous. Provenance/Pedigree: Mint State $5,000. |
New Add to Cart Philip II, 359-336 B.C.
AR Tetradrachm, 14.30g. 23mm. Pella mint, struck under Philip III, c.323-315 B.C. Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. Nude jockey riding horse to right and carrying palm branch; serpent and shield below. LeRider 530. Superb style; lovely toning with underlying iridescent luster. Provenance/Pedigree: Mint State $6,500. |
Add to Cart Macedon, Roman Period
AR Tetradrachm, 16.95g. 33mm. 1st Meris, c.167-149 B.C. Head of Artemis to right in center of a Macedonian shield; bow and quiver on her shoulder. Rev. Club sourrounded by oak wreath. Fine style and toned on a large flan. Proveneance/Pedigree: about Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine $3,000. |
New Add to Cart Boeotia, Tanagra
AR Drachm, 6.12g. 15mm. c.500-480 B.C. Boeotian shield; “T” to right in the indentation of the shield. Rev. Incuse. BCD 24. Nice old collection toninig and scarce.
Ex: Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam, Auction 254, 1971, lot 3047.
See more detailed image Very Fine $1,250. |
Add to Cart Boeotia, Thebes
AR Hemiobol, 0.35g 6mm. c.480-460 B.C. Half of a Boeotian shield. Rev. Greek "theta" wihin an incuse. BCD Boiotia 356. HGC 4, 1362. Toned and scarce. Provenance/Pedigree: Very Fine $1,225. |
Add to Cart Pisida, Antioch, Gordian III, 238-244 A.D.
AE 32. 23.89g. 32 mm. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gordian to right. Rv. Two victories inscribing shield SR on palm tree; two captives below. SNG BN 1236. Brown patina. Provenance/Pedigrees: Ex: Munzen & Medallion Deutschland, Auction 40, June 4, 2014, lot 359 See more detailed imageabout Extremely Fine $800. |
Add to Cart Augustus, 27 B.C.-14 A.D.
AR Denarius, 3.87g. 19mm. Spanish mint, c.19-18 B.C. Head of Augustus to right wearing an oak wreath. Rev. CAESAR AVGVSTVS S P Q R. Shield inscribed CL V flanked by laurel branches; small die break on shield. RIC 36a. BMC 354. BN 1335. Vogel collection, Hess, Lucerne, Auction 194, 1929, lot 676(same dies). Magnificent portrait in high relief and with wonderful multi-hued cabinet toning. See more detailed imageMint State $15,000. |
Add to Cart Nero, 54-68 A.D. As Caesar under Claudius
AR Denarius, 3.67g. 18mm. Struck as Caesar under Claudius, 50-54 A.D. Lugdunum mint. NERONI CLAVDIO DRVSO GERM COS DESIGN. Bare-headed and draped bust of the young Nero to right. Rev. EQVESTER ORDO PRINCIPI IVVENT on shield with spear behind. RIC 79. Von Kaenel, Type 53; small flan flaw at 7:00 reverse by edge. Scarce and with an unusually full legend. Provenance/Pedigree: good Very Fine $3,950. |
Add to Cart Carausius, 286-293 A.D.
AR Antonininaus, 4.54g. London mint. IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Cauarusius to right. Rev. SAECVLI FELICITA. Carausius in military garb standing to right holding spear and shield. RIC V, pt. 2, 153. Some light corrosion spots on obverse. Scarce with nearly full silvering and toned. Provenance/Pedigree: about Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine $1,500. |
Add to Cart Magnentius, 350-353 A.D.
AR Reduced Miliarense(formerly siliqua), 3.50g. 20 mm. Trier, c.350 A.D. IMP CAE MAGNENTIVS AVG. Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Magnentius to right. Rv. VIRTVS EXERCITI. Soldier standing to right holding spear and shield; TR in exergue. RIC 305. Bastien 160,18. Fine old collection toning, an exceptionally sharp strike, and none of the usual cracking and damage. Provenance/Pedigrees Ex: NFA, West Hollywood, Auction XVIII, April 1, 1987, lot 579. Extremely Fine $7,500. |
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