CelticBritain, Atrebates tribe, Verica, 10-40 A.D.
CelticBritain, Atrebates tribe, Verica, 10-40 A.D.

AV Stater, 5.33g. 17mm. VIRI. Vine leaf. Rev. C O F. Horseman with spear and shield to right. van Arsdell 520. Exceptional quality and among the finest surviving examples. 

Verica was the son of Commius, as noted on the reverse, and ruled the Atrebates tribe as a client King of Rome. His tribe was conquered by Caratacus and he was deposed c.40 A.D. This gave Claudius an excuse for invading Britain in 43 A.D. on the pretext of restoring Verica.

Ex: Kunker, W.R. collection, Auction 312, 2018, lot 1688(illustrated on front cover)
Ex: Bankhaus Aufhauser, Munich, private purchase November, 1991.

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Extremely Fine/about Extremely Fine $10,000.
Southern Gaul, imitation of Rhoda, Spain
Southern Gaul, imitation of Rhoda, Spain

AR Drachm, 4.85g. 15mm.  3rd century B.C. Imitation of Rhoda, Spain.  Stylized head to left.  Rev. Stylized rose.  Villaronga 148. Flesche 137(this coin).  Rare and toned.

Ex: Christian Flesche collection, published in Bernward Ziegaus, Kelten Geld, Munich, 2010, # 137.

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good Very Fine $2,500.
Celtic Gaul, Elusates(Aquitane-mid Pyrenees)
Celtic Gaul, Elusates(Aquitane-mid Pyrenees)

AR Drachm, 2.96g. 18mm.  2nd century B.C.  Sylized head to left. Rev. Stylized Pegasus standing to left.  Flesche 157(this coin). Attactive old collection toning and exceptionally well centered for this type.

Ex: Rev. E. Picot collection, Christie's London, Aucition, March 26, 1968, lot 15(part, as attested by Leu in 2003).
Ex: Leu Numismatics, Zurich, Auction 86, 2003, lot 166.
Ex: Christian Flesche collection, published in Bernward Ziegaus, Kelten Geld, Munich, 2010, # 157.

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Extremely Fine $3,000.
Celtic Gaul, Sotiates (Sos)
Celtic Gaul, Sotiates (Sos)

AR Drachm, 3.55g. 15mm.  1st century B.C. Floral ornament around central pellet.  Rev. Central cross; crescents in three of the sections and an axe in one.  Flesche 154(this coin). De La Tour 3351.  Scare and with fine toning.

The Sotiates were conquered by Rome during Ceesar's Gallic Wars in 56 B.C. under the command of P. Licinius Crassus

Ex: CGB, Paris, Mail Bid Sale 29, 2007, lot 690.
Ex: Christian Flesche collection, published in Bernward Ziegaus, Kelten Geld, Munich, 2010, # 154.

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Very Fine/about Extremely Fine $1,650.
Celtic Britain, Cunobelin, c.20-40 A.D.
Celtic Britain, Cunobelin, c.20-40 A.D.

AR Unit, 1.25g. 12mm. Draped bust of Victory to right. Rev. Sphinx seated to left. Van Arsdell 2057-1. Toned.

Ex: Pegasi, MBS 29, Ann Arbor, November 5, 2013, lot 12
Ex: Gemini, Auction 14, Chicago, April 18, 2018, lot 36

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Very Fine $575.
Noricum (Austria)
Noricum (Austria)

AR Tetradrachm, 11.98g. 25mm. c.200-100 B.C.  Kugelreiter type.  Sytlized head of Apollo to left with a wide laurel wreath.  Rev. Stylized rider to left wearing helmet decorated with three pellets.  Fleische 512. Lanz 107ff. Lightly toned with underlying luster.  

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Extremely Fine $4,250.
Pannonia, Croatia
Pannonia, Croatia

AR Tetradrachm, 13.06g. 24mm.  c.3rd-2nd century B.C.  Dreieckhals type. Stylized head of laureate Zeus to right.  Rev. Stylized rider wearing a long crested helmet and holding a lance to left; wheel in field to left; local script legend above.   Flesche 587. Lanz 662.  Lovely dark toning

Ex: Vladimir Lisic collection, Croatia, 1952 , published: Bilic and Falileyev,  "Iron Age coinage in southwestern Pannonia," in NZ, 2021, p. 13, fig. 2. 

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Extremely Fine $7,500.
Celtic, Pannonia
Celtic, Pannonia

AR Tetradrachm, 13.14g. 22mm.  3rd-2nd century B.C. imitating Philip II tetradrachm, Helmschweifreiter type.  Stylized and laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. Stylized rider to left with body composed of globules resembling a bunch of grapes; plumed helmet above; circle with pellet to left; sylized eye to right. Gobl, Ostkelten, 165-166 var. Kostial_.   A highly stylized horeman and rider on the reverse that is struck within a deep incuse and in superb quality; lovely blue-gray toning.

Ex: J.J. Grano collection, NGSA, Geneva, Auction 5, 2008, lot 9.
Ex: Hess-Divo, Zurich, Auction 330, 2016, lot 24.

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Extremely Fine $8,500.
Celtic, Pannonia  2nd known, ex: Aufhauser 2007
Celtic, Pannonia 2nd known, ex: Aufhauser 2007

AR Obol, 1.02g. 10mm.  c.3rd century B.C.  Laureate head to left.  Pegasus  walking to left.   Flesche 534(this coin).    Extremely rare with only one other published example(Flesche 533 in inferior condition). Toned.

Ex: Hauck and Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 20, 2007, lot 17.
Ex: Christian Flesche collection, published in Bernward Ziegaus, Kelten Geld, Munich, 2010, # 534.

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Extremely Fine $2,950.
Celtic, Noricum, Croatia
Celtic, Noricum, Croatia

Billon Tetradrachm, 9.47g. 23mm. c.1st cent. B.C. Samobar A type. Stylized head of Apollo to left wearing laurel wreath. Rv. Horse walking to left. Kostial, Lanz 160(obverse die). Gobl, TKN, p. 22,10. hairline flan crack at 2:00 o;clock rev.

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about Extremely Fine $900.
Celtic, Danubian
Celtic, Danubian

AR Tetradrachm, 12.95g. 22mm. c.2nd-1st centuries B.C. "Audoleon-monogram" type. Stylized laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. Rider to right; plant below; zig-zag ornaments around. Kostial 723. Göbl, Ostkelten 429/1.

Ex: Numismatik Naumann, Munich, Auction 50, 2017, lot 33
Ex: Kunker, Auction 318, Osnabruck, March 11, 2019, lot 12


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Very Fine $475.
Celtic, Northwest Gaul, Uncertain mint
Celtic, Northwest Gaul, Uncertain mint

AE 15, 2.97g. 1st century B.C. Stylized Celtic head to right. Rev. Man-headed Pegasus; two serpents and torque around. Scheers_. De LaTour_ Castelin_. Delestree/Tache 2357. Superb green patina and an exceptional type.

Ex: Künker, Auction 312, Osnabruck, October 8, 2018, lot 1972

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Extremely Fine $2,750.
Celtic, Northwest Gaul, Suessiones
Celtic, Northwest Gaul, Suessiones

Cast Potin 17 mm, 2.78g. c. 100-50 B.C. Abstract head to right; S-shaped ornaments around. Rev. Stylized boar to right; circular ornament and pellets below. De la Tour 7905var. Scheers, Traite, p. 778, 198 and pl. XXIV,695. Rudd, Ancient British Coins 85(Gallic Import, Extremely Rare) Castelin 293-5. Dark brown patina and of exceptional quality.


Ex: Münzzentrum, Köln, Auction 103, June 23, 2000, lot 2.

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Extremely Fine $500.
Celtic, Northwest Gaul, Suessiones
Celtic, Northwest Gaul, Suessiones

AE 27, 2.27g. c.60-25 B.C.  Head of Janus; volutes below; annulets to left and right. Rev. Lion standing to left; annulets above and below.  DT 563. De La Tour 8106. Fine green patina.


Ex: T, Voltz collection, Auctiones, Basel, Auction 25, June 19, 1995, lot 1400.

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Very Fine $435.


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