Italy, Apulia, Venusia
Italy, Apulia, Venusia

AE Semis, 3.41g. 16.5mm.  c.205-200 B.C. Draped bust of Hermes to right wearing winged petasos.  Rev. VE.  Winged boot; caduceus and S (Semis) to left.  HN, Italy, 726. SNG ANS 770. Small patina scrape on reverse.   Rare and among the best known examples.  Fine green patna with some light encrustation.

Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction 40, May 16, 2007, lot 209.

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Extremely Fine $3,500.
Sicily, Eryx
Sicily, Eryx

AE Onkia, 1.50g  11mm.  c.330-260 B.C. Female head to right.  Rev. Octopus.   Calciati 24.  Rosen 46(this coin).   Rare and with a lovely green patina. 

Ex: Birkler and Waddell, New York, Auciton 1, December 7, 1979, lot 38.
Ex: Jonathan Rosen collection, 46.


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Very Fine/good Very Fine $1,000.
Islands Off Sicily,  Punic City, Lodadusa(?)
Islands Off Sicily, Punic City, Lodadusa(?)

AE 16, 5.13g. 2nd century B.C.   Crab; punic letter below. Rev. Crab; Punic letter below. CNP 514c var. SNG Morcom 933 var. Dark brown and green patina.

Ex: Münzen und Medaillen, Basel, Auction 79, Feb. 28, 1994, lot 136
Ex: F. Popken Collection, Künker, Osnabrück, Auction 133, Oct. 11, 2007, lot 7201.


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Extremely Fine/Very Fine $2,000.
Islands off Sicily, Melita(Malta)
Islands off Sicily, Melita(Malta)

AE 16, 3.45g. c.218-175 B.C. Veiled female head to right. Rev. Ram and Punic inscription. Coliero, Numismatic Chronicle, 1971, #5. Viola, CNP 494. Rare in this quality; dark green patina.


Ex: David Freedman collection, Triton V, New York, January 15, 2002, lot 290.

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about Extremely Fine $1,500.
Sardinia, Uselis(?), M. Atius Balbus, praetor
Sardinia, Uselis(?), M. Atius Balbus, praetor

AE 23, 2.66g.   c.38-36 B.C.  M [ATIVS] BA[LBV]S PR.  Bare head of the praetor M. Atius Balbus to left.  Rev. SARD[VS] [PA]TER.   Feather-crowned head of Sardus Pater to right; spear behind.  RPC 625.  SNG COP 1112. Grant 1969.  Reddish-brown patina.

Sardus Pater is the eponymous god of the island and was influced by the Phoenician god Baal.  His temple has been discovered in Antas in Southern Sardinia. 

Ex: NAC, Zurich, Auction L, 2001, lot 1522.

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good Very Fine $1,400.
Thrace, Kallatis
Thrace, Kallatis

AE 19, 4.09g. 2nd century A.D. Laureate head of Herakles to left. Rev. Kybele seated to left. AMNG 293. Brown patina.

Ex: Künker, Auction 71, Osnabruck, March 12, 2002, lot 126

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Extremely Fine $425.
Thrace, Deultum, Caracalla, 198-217 A.D.  pedigree
Thrace, Deultum, Caracalla, 198-217 A.D. pedigree

AE 25, 10.54g. Laureate and cuirassed bust of the mature Caracalla to right. Rv. Zeus standing to right holding scepter and thunderbolt.. Jurukova 7. Die break on obverse; green and brown patina. Exceptional quality and virtually as struck.


Ex: Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 16, October 16, 2001, lot 375.

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Extremely Fine $1,000.
Thrace, Deultum, Julia Mamaea
Thrace, Deultum, Julia Mamaea
AE 19, 4.39g. Diademed and draped bust r. Rv. Bull's head l. Jurakova 202var. See more detailed image
Very Fine $200.
Thrace, Nikopolis ad Istrum, Diadumenian, 218 A.D.
Thrace, Nikopolis ad Istrum, Diadumenian, 218 A.D.
AE 17, 2.69g. Bare head of Diadumenian to right. Rv. Bunch of grapes on branch. Some light smoothing in fields. Dark green patina. See more detailed image
good Very Fine $250.
Thrace, Pautalia, Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 A.D.
Thrace, Pautalia, Marcus Aurelius. 161-180 A.D.

AE 18, 4.27g.  Bare headed and draped bust of Aurelius to right.  Rev. Infant Dionysos seated to right in a lattice-work cradle holding a thrysos.  RPC IV, on-line, 8790var,(bust).  RPC only publshes one example.  Light brown patina.   A very rare depiction of a Roman cradle.


Ex: Pegasi, Buy/Bid Sale 14, July 13, 1999, lot 157.

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Very Fine $1,400.
Macedon, Thessalonica, Philip I, 244-249 A.D.
Macedon, Thessalonica, Philip I, 244-249 A.D.

AE 25, 10.12g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Philip to right.  Rev. Apollo leaning on snake entwined column to left; he holds bow in left hand; tripod and prize crown to left;  Greek abbreviated inscription,"Pythi" in field referring to the Pythian games.  SNG ANS 888. Remarkable quality.

The Pythian games referenced here on the reverse originated at Delphi in honor of Apollo whose temple and oracle were located there.  Other cities copied these games and referred to them on their coins.

Ex: Gemini VI, NY, Auction, January 9, 2011, lot 816


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Extremely Fine $750.
Korkyra, Roman Republican Administration
Korkyra, Roman Republican Administration

AE 19, 7.42g. Roman Republican administration, c.229-49 B.C. magistrate: Philon. Head of Herakles to right wearing lion's skin. Rev. Prow of ship to right; magistrate's name and monogram above. SNG Evelpidis 1976–80. SNG Copenhagen 237; HGC 6, 8. Olive patina with some light encrustation deposits on reverse


Ex: CNG, Mail Bid 39, March 30, 1994, lot 113.

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good Very Fine $350.
Cycladic Islands, Naxos
Cycladic Islands, Naxos

AE 11, 1.81g.  4th century B.C.  Head of Dionysos to left wearing ivy wreath with clump of berries at end.   Rev.  Kantharos, bunch of grapes above.  SNG COP 709.  Reddish-brown patina and fine style.

Ex: CNG, Auction 50, June 23, 1999, lot 784.
Ex: CNG, Auction 91, Sept. 19, 2012, lot 213.

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about Extremely Fine/Very Fine $1,200.
Thessaly, The Oitaioi
Thessaly, The Oitaioi

AE Dichalkon, 4.73g. 17mm.  Struck during Oitaioi's membership in the Aetolian League in Herakleia Trachinia c.279-168 B.C. Laureate head of Apollo to right.  Rev. Monogram between spear and jawbone of the Kalydonnian boar; bunch of grapes to left. SNG COP 182.  Dark green-brown patina and with an exceptionally well detailed reverse.


Ex: BCD collection, Nomos, Zurich, Auction 4, May 10, 2011. lot 1435.18

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Very Fine/good Very Fine $750.
Kings of Bosporus, Polemon I, Eusebes c.38-37 B.C.
Kings of Bosporus, Polemon I, Eusebes c.38-37 B.C.

AE 18, 4.65g. Lion leaping to right; star above. Rev. Monogram. MacDonald 230. Brown patina.


Ex: CNG, Auction 299, March 27, 2013, lot 82.

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Very Fine $350.
Kings of Bosporus, Kotys I for Eunice, c.68 A.D.
Kings of Bosporus, Kotys I for Eunice, c.68 A.D.

AE 27, 9.77g. Pentastyle temple on base. Rev. Monogram for Kotys' wife Eunice. RPC 1931. MacDonald 337/1.


Ex: Auctiones E-Auction 55, Bern, March 19, 2017, lot 63

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Very Fine $350.
Pontos, Komana, Septimius Severus, 193-211 A.D.
Pontos, Komana, Septimius Severus, 193-211 A.D.

AE 29.5, 16.38g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius to right. Rev. Tetrastyle temple containing stautue of nike standing on a cippus. Recueil 11. BMC 3.


Ex: CNG mail bid sale XIV, Lancaster, PA, March 20, 1991, lot 370


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Very Fine/good Very Fine $525.
Pontos, Neokaisareia, Gordian III, 238-244 A.D.
Pontos, Neokaisareia, Gordian III, 238-244 A.D.

AE 29, 16.54g. Laureate, draped, and curirassed bust of Gordian to right. Rev. Two prize crowns with palm branches on altar inscribed "AKTIA" for the Aktian games. SNG von Aulock 6761. reddish-brown patina.

Ex: Fontana collection, Finarte, Milan, Auction, November 26-27, 1996, lot 666.
Ex: Peter Vogel collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 618.

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good Very Fine $200.
Bithynia, Apamea, Triumviral period
Bithynia, Apamea, Triumviral period

AE 16, 2.21g. Triumviral period, c.42-31 B.C. Head of Hermes to right wearing winged cap. Rev. C I C A (=Colonia Iulia Concodia Apamea) D D. Winged caduceus. RPC 2001 and illustrated in RPC on-line. Rec. gen. 32. BMC 18. Dark green and brown patina with some light cleaning. Scarce Imperatorial issue; this issue is the first one from the city which was planned and/or founded by Caesar and Antony.


Ex: Lanz, Munich, Auction 123, May 30, 2005, lot 220

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about Extremely Fine $500.
Bithynia, Nikomedia, Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 A.D.
Bithynia, Nikomedia, Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 A.D.

AE 31, 17.28g. Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Aurelius to right. Rev. Galley under sail to left. RG 103var(beardless). RPC IV on-line 6090var. Rare Brown and green patina.


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 8, June 29, 2019, lot 635

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Very Fine $1,750.
Bithynia, Tium, Gallienus, ex: Aufhauser 1992
Bithynia, Tium, Gallienus, ex: Aufhauser 1992

AE 21, 7.08g.  c.253-268 A.D.  Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right.  Rev. Asklepios standing to left with serpent staff.  SNG von Aulock 1042(dies).  Brown patina.

Ex:  Aufhäuser, Munich, Auction  9,  October 7, 1992, lot 438 with original envelope. 

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about Extremely Fine/Extremely Fine $1,200.
Mysia, Attaia, Sabina, wife of Hadrian, 117-138
Mysia, Attaia, Sabina, wife of Hadrian, 117-138

AE 23, 11.91g. Diademed and draped bust of Sabina to right.  Rev. River-god Makestos reclining to left holding reeds; overturned vase of water at his feet; tree to left.  BMC 8. SNG von Aulock 1074.  RPC III, 1760.   Dark gray patina. 

Ex: Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 645
Ex: Peter Vogl collection
Ex: Hauck and Aufhauser, Munich, Auciton 14, October 6, 1998, lot 335.

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about Extremely Fine $950.
Mysia, Kyzikos
Mysia, Kyzikos

AE 24, 9.16g. c.253-268 A.D. Strategos Lok Severos. Diademed head of the founder Kyzikos to right. Rev. Inscription within wreath. Lindgren 227(dies). BMC_. SNG France_. SNG COP_. SNG von Aulock_. von Fritze_. Aufhauser 8, lot 263(same reverse die for a coin struck under Gallienus). The inscription mentions the second neocorate, so it may have been struck in 258 after the death of Valerian II (Burrell, Neokoroi, p. 97.) Very rare and with a dark brown and olive patina.


Ex: Bankhaus Aufhauser, Munich, Auction 8, October 9, 1991, lot 100.
Ex: Dr. Vogt collection, Helios, Munich, Auction 5, June 25, 2010, lot 649.

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Extremely Fine $750.
Mysia, Parion, Macrinus, 217-218 A.D.
Mysia, Parion, Macrinus, 217-218 A.D.

AE 31, 17.38g. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Macrinus to right. Rev. Emperor galloping to right holding spear. BMC_. SNG COP_. SNG France__. SNG von Aulock _. KLM_. RPC on line 3689(Severus Alexander). Possibly unpublished. Brown patina


Ex: Leu, Zurich, Web Auction 5, September 23, 2018, lot 481

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good Very Fine $1,000.


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